JAPAN | 2023 | Japanese | Color, B&W | Digital File | 18min
Director, Photography, Editing: Shuhei Hatano
April 2020. In a world where meeting friends was forbidden for an extended period of time, the director decided to shoot each day with no particular purpose in mind: the modest sparkle of the day to day with daughter and wife, fragments pieced together to form a letter to dear friends. Family daily life is reconstructed with a remarkable intuition, gradually creating a magical landscape that can be found nowhere else, leading us to a sense of life and death, and of a love of life which will be passed on, and on. An avant-garde home movie of forgetting and discovering.
Director’s Statement
No one told me to, but I simply decided to spend a year shooting everyday. Looking back on the period, because I had to capture something with my camera everyday, I had something focus on; and because I kept shooting I also had something to think about. I also had a young child by my side, and her eyes were always wide open to the unknown, which gave me the eyes that I had forgotten. It made me decide to follow her lead and play around in the same way. First, I spent this out-of-the-ordinaly year thinking about this machine called the camera, using it to play around with this world, with my daughter, with the season, with light - and the cinema.
60th Pesaro international Festival of New Cinema (Italy) - Young Jury Award Special Mention
Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2023 (Japan) - World Premiere
PUNTO DE VISTA International Documentary Film Festival of Navarra 2024 (Spain)
70th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen (German)
Leiden International Short Film Festival 2024 (Netherlands)
5th The Nearby Independent International Film Festival (China)
Cámara Lúcida - VIII Festival Internacional de Cine (Ecuador)
Granada Film Fest - 30° Festival Jóvenes Realizadores (Spain)
Wuhan Bailin Film Festival 2024 (China)
Festival Film Dokumenter 2024 (Indonesia)
22nd Bogota Short Film Festival (Colombia)
13th Athens Avant-Garde Film Festival (Greek)
Director's Interview
日本 | 2023 | 日本語 | カラー、モノクロ | デジタル・ファイル | 18分
誰に言われたわけでもないけれど、毎日撮影をするということだけを決めて1年間を過ごしました。 その日々を振り返ると、毎日カメラを携えて何かを撮らなくてはいけないという状況だったから目を向けたものがあり、カメラを回し続けたから考えたことがありました。加えて傍らにずっと幼い子どもがいて、彼女がいつも未知に目を見開いていたことが、私に忘れていた目を与えてくれるきっかけになりました。そんな彼女を見ながら、私も彼女に倣ってたわむれてみようと思いました。まずはこのカメラという機械と、そしてカメラを使ってこの世界と、子どもと、季節と、光と、そして映画とたわむれようと思いながら、この「特殊な1年間」を過ごしました。
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