I Remember
Japan | 2021 | Japanese | Color | Digital File | 224 min
Director, Photography, Editing: Hatano Shuhei
Cast: Shigenobu Kodani, Ryotaro Hamane, Hisayoshi Ogura, Jyunko Makino, Satoko Makita, Chiyoko Hamakawa, Toshiko Nakakura, Kiyoe Fujiwara, Hatsuko Nagata, Teruo Takebe
Produced by: Genjiten Project
Ten people face the camera and talk about “remembering.” This film is made up of their individual fragments of memories from lives spanning the prewar years to the present, from birth and childhood to their work and experiences starting families all the way up to today, along with memories of the Tottori region. In the tradition of Ogawa Shinsuke’s Furuyashiki: A Japanese Village (1982: 34th Berlin International Film Festival, FIPRESCI Prize), the film is a vehicle to mediate and transmit the words of these individuals.
Director’s Statement
I decided to ask ten senior citizens to share their recollections, from their earliest memories through the present. As they reflected on their long lives, they repeatedly used the phrase, “you probably wouldn’t understand.” Their experiences were in fact very specific. There was nothing that could be called plainly understandable. I began to sense the vast time beyond my awareness that it had taken these people to arrive in the present moment at this place in front of me. This is a record of people living unique and singular lives.
Festival Film Dokumenter 2022 (Indonesia) - Best International Feature-Length Documentary
Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2021 (Japan) - World Premiere
日本 | 2021 | 日本語 | カラー | デジタル・ファイル | 224分
カメラを前に「おぼえていること」を語る10人の登場人物。戦前から現在まで、彼らは生まれ、育ち、働き、新しく家族を持ち、いまにいたる、それぞれの記憶の断片が鳥取の土地の記憶を伴い1本の映画となる。『ニッポン国古屋敷村』(1982・小川紳介) を彷彿とさせる本作は、個々の人々による語りの媒介者であり伝承者である。
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